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Writer's pictureEman Farrugia


Il-ġurnal uffiċjali tal-Front Polisario; Sahara Press Service; għadu kif irrikonoxxa pubblikament il-ħidma tiegħi favur il-kawża ġusta tal-poplu Saħrawi.

Il-ħidma tiegħi favur il-kawża ġusta tal-poplu Saħrawi għal-liberazzjoni tas-Saħara tal-Punent mill-kolonjaliżmu tkompli mingħajr waqfien. Sodisfatt u onorat illi din il-ħidma qiegħda tingħata wkoll rikonoxximent mill-poplu Saħrawi u mir-rappreżentanti tiegħu; xhieda ta' kemm din il-ħidma hija tassew apprezzata. Matul din il-ġimgħa, il-ġurnal ewlieni fis-Saħara tal-Punent; illi huwa wkoll il-ġurnal uffiċjali tal-Front Polisario; irrikonoxxa l-ħidma tiegħi favur il-kawża tal-poplu Saħrawi billi għamel referenza għall-petizzjoni li ressaqt lill-Ministeru tal-Affarijiet Barranin Malti nhar l-10 ta' Lulju 2024. Din il-petizzjoni talbet lill-Gvern Malti sabiex jibqa' jagħti l-appoġġ sħiħ tiegħu għal riżoluzzjoni tal-Kunflitt tas-Saħara tal-Punent li tipprovdi d-dritt ta' 'self-determination għall-poplu Saħrawi; li preżentament jinsab taħt okkupazzjoni militari Marokkina li ilha għaddejja mill-1975.

F'dan l-artiklu qiegħed nehmeż kopja tal-artiklu li deher fil-ġurnal Saħrawi 'Sahara Press Service' ( dwar il-petizzjoni tiegħi lill-Gvern Malti u dwar il-ħidma tiegħi f'isem l-inizzjattiva li kont waqqaft ftit tax-xhur ilu bl-isem ta' 'Maltese for Sahrawis'; illi hija inizzjattiva ta' solidarjeta' mal-poplu Saħrawi permezz ta' għajnuna politika, umanitarja u finanzjarja. Mill-ġdid nirringrazzja lill-Front Polisario, lill-organizzazzjonijiet umanitarji u tant attivisti internazzjonali għall-kawża tal-poplu Saħrawi li qegħdin juru apprezzament u fiduċja lejn il-ħidma tiegħi. Il-ħidma tibqa' għaddejja; jiena lest illi nibqa' nirrappreżenta lill-poplu Saħrawi u lill-aspirazzjonijiet leġittimi tiegħu ġewwa pajjiżi.

Tista' ssib kopja tal-petizzjoni li kont ressaqt lill-Ministeru tal-Affarijiet Barranin rigward il-politika barranija ta' Malta dwar il-Kunflitt tas-Saħara tal-Punent billi tafgħas hawn.


Maltese group of solidarity calls on government to keep supporting self-determination in Western Sahara Conflict.

Valletta, (Malta) 29 July 2024 (SPS)- Maltese group of solidarity with the Sahrawi people, “Maltese for Sahrawis", advocated for the need of support to the Sahrawi people in their quest for self-determination in a petition sent by the group to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malta this month.

The petition, titled "Supporting a Solution in Western Sahara Based On Human Rights, International Law and Self-Determination," reflected Maltese public opinion’s significant support and placed renewed attention on the plight of the Sahrawi people.

The President of the group, Mr. Eman Farrugia, indicated to the SPS that the group solidarity called on the Maltese government to reaffirm its recognition of this right as the most equitable solution to the conflict in Western Sahara.

The petition criticized Morocco’s actions, specifically its violation of the 1991 ceasefire agreement, and its illegal expansion of the berm into the UN-monitored buffer zone in a new phase of expansionism and occupation.

This illegal breach, according to the petition, led to the ceasefire’s collapse in November 2020, with Morocco subsequently accused of using drones to target Sahrawi and committing crimes of war against civilians.

The petition also emphasizes the ongoing obstruction by Morocco of the long-promised referendum on self-determination, a crucial democratic process that should normally be supported by all democratic states and entities.

It draws on the positions of the International Court of Justice and various UN resolutions that have consistently denied recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara.

It should be noticed that the petition of the Maltese group of solidarity has garnered robust international support from Sahrawi representatives and humanitarian organizations, underscoring the global concern for human rights and self-determination in the region.

On another hand, it should be indicated that Malta’s government has traditionally supported UN’s efforts to resolve the conflict in Western Sahara in accordance with international law and relevant UN’s resolutions.

Eman Farrugia and the "Maltese for Sahrawis" organization remain committed to their mission of raising awareness and pushing for a fair resolution to the conflict, the activist said to SPS, indicating that this petition marks a significant step in drawing attention of Maltese public opinion to Western Sahara and underscores the ongoing efforts of activists like Farrugia in the quest for justice and self-determination for the Sahrawi people. (SPS)

090/500/60 (SPS)


Sahara Occidental Libre!

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